
11 Things That Tick Me Off About Washington!

#1 A Deliberate Invasion of Illegal Immigrants

I have heard politicians talk for three decades about stopping illegal immigration. It was all smoke and mirrors. They were lying the entire time. America's ruling class wants the invasion. Don’t let them fool you.

They love to talk about the so-called “border crisis.” There isn’t a border crisis. It is a deliberate policy to facilitate a planned, supervised, and financed invasion of America by tens of millions of foreigners intentionally transported to the Mexico border.

The goal is to have more foreign-born people in America than native-born Americans. They want to tip the scale against us.

The pro-illegal immigration lobby will accuse me of promoting something they call the Great Replacement Theory. It isn’t a theory. It is a fact. Approximately 10 million people - perhaps many more - illegally entered the USA since Joe Biden entered the White House in January 2021.

There are 24 states in America with less than 5 million citizens. Oregon has 4.2 million citizens. Oklahoma has 4 million people too. More people illegally crossed the borders since Joe Biden entered the White House than live in Oregon and Oklahoma combined.

Conservatives talk about closing the border, securing the border. My friend, listen to me. We don’t have a border anymore. The globalists erased it years ago. We think the political fight is about closing the border. That’s not how the globalists think. They are determined to never allow us to have a border again.

It is difficult for many Americans to believe that their leaders would deliberately lie to them about the border. Let me assure you: The ruling class has been lying to you for decades. They lied yesterday. They are lying today. They will lie tomorrow. They have no intention whatsoever of stopping the invasion of foreigners into America.

If you are waiting for America's leaders to wake up and realize there is an invasion coming over our border, you’ll be waiting forever. They are not ignorant about it. They are not in the dark. The truth is they are deliberately deceiving you into thinking any day our leaders will get it and do the right thing to stop the invasion.

Many patriotic Americans think that if only we could persuade more politicians to visit the border, they would be shocked and go back to Washington to demand action. There’s no border for them to see. They got rid of it. And you are not going to force them to pretend there is a border.

Let me repeat myself: There is no border to close. There is no border to secure. The globalists erased the border. You and I must reestablish the U.S. border with Mexico and the U.S. border with Canada. The politicians are not going to do it for us. We must do it. We don’t need their permission. We don’t need their cooperation. We the people must re-establish and forever defend the borders of our sovereign nation.

But what do we do about the tens of millions of people who came across the invisible borders in recent years?

My Number 1 biggest concern are the thousands of young Chinese men who have walked into America and disappeared. They represent a Chinese PLA trojan horse inside our country. A secret army of young Chinese warriors waiting for Xi Jinping’s war cry to commence hostilities on American soil.

Thousands of young Chinese men are crossing the Canadian and Mexican borders into America every week under Joe Biden’s corrupt administration. Biden is allowing them to roam around our country. Xi Jinping is certainly getting his money's worth from all the bribes he has paid the Biden family.

Who else is on China's payroll? Somebody is setting up America for a takedown. Every patriot must be on full alert and ready to defend the Republic against enemies, foreign and domestic. Some of our leaders have failed us. Others have betrayed us.

All Chinese people illegally inside the USA must be hunted down, detained, and deported. They are a serious national security threat and we cannot allow them to roam around in the country.

My second biggest concern are the millions of murderers, rapists, violent thieves, and dangerous criminals who crossed the border and are freely moving around in our cities and towns. Like the Chinese invaders, they too must be hunted down, detained, and deported.

How do we do it? First, we need a President who is for America’s best interests. You can’t get anything done without the President onboard. We need a strong President who will pull together all law enforcement agencies on the federal, state, and local levels to coordinate a national operation to locate, detain, and deport millions of dangerous people illegally inside the USA.

We must also hunt down and deport every murderer, rapist, and all other violent criminals who entered our country illegally. Who cares what the far-left radicals and news media say? It’s time to get tough.

National Guard troops in each state will be needed, especially in the border states. If necessary, the President should deploy U.S. Army soldiers and U.S. Air Force airmen to assist National Guard and law enforcement officers in the round up of Chinese and criminal illegal immigrants.

The use of federal troops will not violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which prohibits the use of federal troops for law enforcement purposes. If elected to Congress, I would vote for a bill authorizing the Commander-in-Chief to use Army and Air Force service members for national security duties in locating, detaining, transporting, and deporting Chinese and criminal illegal immigrants.

I will fight against the one-world, open-border globalists such as George Soros who want to eliminate the concept of national sovereignty and create a borderless world. I care about America. My motto is Always America First.

If you agree, I ask you to join my campaign for Congress. Help me win the Republican Primary on August 20.

#2 Talk About Our Border....Money for Israel's Border

“Yada, yada, yada.” That’s all I hear when politicians talk about “securing our border.” They don’t mean it. What they mean is they are determined to secure the borders of Ukraine and Israel. They don’t care about our borders.

Do you remember how those sneaky snakes Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell secretly conspired with Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer to stop everything President Trump tried to do to secure our border? RINOs are a big part of the problem.

Nothing has changed in 2024. Republicans talk and talk and talk about the border but do nothing. Brian Mast cares more about Israel than America. He talks and talks about America's border, but he's Johnny on the Spot when Israel demands more money. Israel wins! America loses!

#3 Foreign Wars

I am fed up with Americans financing foreign wars for the benefit of other countries. I may offend you and lose your vote, but I don't give a hoot about the borders of Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine is corrupt, and Israel loves war. As a Congressman, I will vote to cut off all military aid to Ukraine and Israel. Brian Mast is a big supporter of financing foreign wars. He especially loves sending your tax dollars to Israel.

On April 20, the House voted to spend over $95 billion for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and other military projects. The bill included $3.5 billion to finance U.S. immigration field offices around the world to expedite the flow of foreigners to the USA! Congress said, “They aren’t coming fast enough. Let’s open offices in foreign countries to make it easier and faster for foreigners to get here.” Brian Mast voted for it.

How much money was in that bill to lock down the U.S. borders? Nothing! But Brian Mast was practically hyperventilating with glee over sending another $26 billion to his IDF comrades in Israel. House members waved Ukrainian flags inside the House chamber! When I heard they were waving foreign flags in the House, I expected Brian Mast to don his IDF uniform and strut around on the House floor singing Hava Nagila and waving a blue and white Star of David flag.

I will vote to cut off all foreign military aid. Let's rebuild America.

#4 Financing Ukraine's Pensions

I get steamed knowing that hard working Americans are paying for Ukrainian pensions, welfare, and salaries of thousands of government employees. We are paying for almost everything in Ukraine because Kyiv is broke. Why is the country broke? Because NATO pushed Russia into a corner and made Moscow go to war. NATO's purpose for the Ukraine war is to bankrupt Russia. Instead, they bankrupted Ukraine. Now, we are paying for their foolish and dangerous policies.

The U.S. taxpayers are financing their entire government. We are subsidizing Ukrainian businesses to keep them open! We subsidize Ukrainian farmers, too. We also pay the salaries of Ukrainian government workers, such as first responders.

How many billions of dollars have been sucked out by the cokehead comic, penis-piano-playing president, and his cronies? I’d like to see his offshore bank accounts. How many billions have been laundered back to corrupt American politicians? How many weapons have been sold on the black market? There's no accountability of the money. There's only an unlimited buffet of corruption.

I will vote to cut off all money to corrupt Ukraine.

#5 One-Trillion Dollars Every 100 Days

How can I say it nicely? Most of our Representatives and Senators are financial imbeciles. I wouldn't trust them to manage my lunch money. Would you? Yet, we allow them to manage our children's future!

They borrow trillions of dollars and give it away to other countries such as Ukraine and Israel. How crazy is that? Life in America in 2024 is surreal. We are riding on the Crazy Train; the railroad engineer is the Mad Hatter, and the train is going faster and faster. We all know it will crash, but nobody wants to pull the emergency brake.

There are no English words fit to describe the fiscal stupidity and irresponsibility of the officials who are leading us off a cliff. I am distraught for my ten grandchildren's future. They will pay an awful price for our government's irresponsibility. At worst, they could become enslaved to Chinese overlords who may foreclose on the United States of America. Why do you think thousands of young Chinese men are flooding over our borders? They are anticipating our collapse. They are waiting on the war cry.

#6 The Perpetual War Economy

Singer Robert Palmer was addicted to love. Washington is addicted to war. The Ruling Class is destroying the Middle Class through endless deficits and perpetual warfare in other nations.

Now, here's the shocking truth: Our debt addiction has caused America to transition into a war-addicted economy. We can't stop the endless wars, or our economic prosperity will end, too.

The U.S. dollar has not been backed by gold since 1971. It is now backed by lead! If a country dares to act independently, NATO will wallop them. Consider what happened to Colonel Gaddafi when he asked to be paid with gold bars instead of Federal Reserve notes in exchange for Libyan oil. NATO bombed Libya and hooligans savagely murdered him. 

We are so deep in debt that perpetual war is the only way to keep the American economy from collapsing. Financial survival is the driving force behind NATO's obsession with destroying Russia. Where is NATO Secretary-General Yens Stoltenberg's next job? He was appointed the governor of the Bank of Norway in February 2022. First, he had to manage the international banksters' war against Russia before stepping into his next plumb position. Warmongers and international banksters are like peas in a pod. 

When your economy is so sick that you must constantly kill people in other countries to keep jobs going in your country, you are headed toward a catastrophe. Russia and other countries know America's ruling class is desperate. They know our fiat-money system will snap someday under the weight of debt caused primarily by foreign wars. That's why the BRICS alliance of nations has been working quietly for years to construct an alternative to the New York City-London-Paris banking system. People worldwide see it coming, but Americans have been kept in the dark. Most members of Congress are clueless about what's coming.

#7 Inflation

My heart aches for young families. I don't know how they pay their bills, buy groceries, and care for growing children. My heart also hurts for elderly Americans, single moms, people with physical handicaps, and others with low incomes.

The price of everything is outrageous. I'm a Boomer with some financial resources, but my wife Susan and I had to cut back on many things in the past 18 months. If I feel the pinch in my wallet at this stage in my life, how can young families afford life’s necessities? 

The thought of young families struggling brings back painful, unpleasant memories of my years as a young husband and father in my twenties during the mid-to-late 1970s when America was hit by the first of three waves of inflation.

The inflationary cycle that started during the presidency of Gerald Ford and continued through the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan lasted approximately 15 years. Mortgage rates skyrocketed to over 13%! Young families struggled throughout those years. I was one of them. That's why I am troubled by this new inflationary cycle. It, too, could last 15 years. That means it won’t end until the late 2030s!

Many people blamed Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan for the inflation, but it wasn't their fault. The culprit was Lyndon B. Johnson and his Vietnam War folly and extravagant War on Poverty welfare programs. 

The current inflationary wave that first appeared in 2022 is the backdraft from past irresponsible financial mismanagement and monetary policies. The Federal Reserve dumped trillions of funny money dollars into the banking system after the 2008 banking and real estate crisis. Meanwhile, Congress continues to overspend every year - and borrow money so we can give it away.

Congress appropriated money for Covid-relief universal basic income deposits to millions of Americans. They also authorized the financing of 20+ years of perpetual war (starting with Afghanistan and including today's war in Ukraine and Gaza), wasteful Green Energy government corporate subsidies, and massive grants to far-left political NGOs working for global socialism.

When those silly little people in Washington heard in 2022 that Americans were fed up with rising prices, they passed the Inflation Reduction Act! That's right. They passed a law that ordered inflation to go away, but it included $369 billion for new Green Energy and Climate Change programs.

Somebody needs to educate the boys and girls in the House and Senate who lack an elementary school education about economics and finances. Massive government deficit spending is the cause of inflation. And they are the primary cause of the spending. (along with central banks).

I suspect basic economics is over the head of Brian Mast. Otherwise, he would not have excitedly voted on April 20, 2024, to give Israel another $26 billion to kill more Palestinians. Mr. Mast has yet to realize that his love for bloody wars is why the Treasury's books hemorrhage bloody red ink.

America hasn't had a balanced budget since the days of House Speaker Newt Gingrich. I will vote against unbalanced budgets, resolutions to borrow more money, and funding for foreign wars. It is time to take the liquor cabinet keys away from the alcoholics. Somebody needs to be a sober adult in Congress. 

I am an old-fashioned Reagan Republican who believes in small government, lower taxes, and reduced government spending. I will revive Ronald Reagan's quest for a balanced budget constitutional amendment.

#8 Brian Mast Wears an Israeli Military Uniform

OK, this next one makes me so angry that I must soak in a bathtub full of ice cubes to cool down. Congressman Brian Mast proudly wears an Israeli military uniform to Congress! He also travels to Israel to participate in IDF activities. In my opinion, Brian Mast's behavior is treasonous. He insulted every member of the U.S. Armed Forces and every veteran. No member of the House or Senate should be permitted to wear a military uniform of any foreign nation. Whose side is Brian Mast on? America or Israel? Can Brian Mast be trusted with national security information that would impact Israel? Is Brian Mast a secret dual citizen of Israel? I would like to see Brian Mast defend himself face-to-face with my good friends in the USS Liberty Veterans Association - the men who survived the IDF attack on their ship on June 8, 1967. They will set him straight about our "good ally,” Israel, who tried to kill them. 

I will introduce the Brian Mast Military Uniform Anti-Treason Act, which would make it a felony for any member of the U.S. Congress to wear a foreign military uniform or participate in military activities with a foreign army, either as an enlisted member or a volunteer. 

I will also introduce the Dual Citizenship Disclosure Act, which would require all members of Congress, their spouses, and all staff members to disclose their dual citizenship.

#9 Jeffrey Epstein, the FBI, Israeli spies

Jeffrey Epstein freely operated the world's most extensive pedophile network – and much of Washington knew it for decades. It is my conclusion that Mr. Epstein was an Israeli Mossad spy. I do not believe Mr. Epstein was a billionaire. He was an actor paid to play the role of a billionaire. His assignment was to entrap influential American men and video record them having sex with young teenage girls. The honeytrap continued uninterrupted for decades, except for one short confinement at the Palm Beach County Jail. Epstein got out of serious prison time thanks to the help of Chabad Lubavitch Zionist Alan Dershowitz. 

His "girlfriend," Ghislaine Maxwell, was not his sweetie. She was his handler. Ghislaine's father was billionaire Robert Maxwell, also an Israeli Mossad spy. Maxwell's birth name was Jan Ludvik Hyman Binyamin Hoch. He owned numerous media companies. One company was Pergamon Press. Who names their company after Satan's throne? (Revelation 2:13)

The FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DIA, and all the other unknown alphabet agencies knew what Epstein was doing, and they permitted it.

When the New York City police raided Epstein's Manhattan home, they found thousands of photographs of young girls. Where are the photos? More importantly, where are the girls? How many were sold internationally? How many were murdered?

And where are the videos? Every bedroom in every Epstein mansion had hidden cameras. Who collected and stored the videos? Where are the video archives? In Tel Aviv?

Don’t worry. Brian Mast will never demand an independent investigation into Israel's role in the Epstein pedophile scandal. They got rid of Epstein and the girls' corpses too.

#10 Corruption and Lawfare

America's ruling class has waged "lawfare” against President Donald Trump. Lawfare is warfare fought in courtrooms. The aim is to bankrupt or imprison the targeted victim or make the target commit suicide to escape the relentless pursuit. They don't care so long as they win, and you go away. It is vicious. Many American citizens without Mr. Trump's wealth have lost everything because they were victims of lawfare, including asset forfeitures.

America's ruling class is corrupt to the bone. The level of corruption is disgusting, vile, and deeply troubling. Societies that reach this level of corruption eventually collapse. The FBI is rotten. The Department of Justice is thoroughly corrupt. Many federal judges are corrupt or highly biased.  

America's political system requires radical surgery like removing a cancerous tumor. It will be painful, ugly, and messy if we love our children and grandchildren - and our country! - we will resolve to challenge, confront, and chase away all corrupt officials in our government, big banks, and news media.

#11 The Obsession to Abolish the Second Amendment

What does Brian Mast share in common with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Adam Schiff? All five want a federal law that bans you from owning semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. This is a big reason why I made the decision to challenge Brian Mast in the Republican Party primary on August 20. If you support the Second Amendment, you cannot vote for Brian Mast. 

There! I said it. I told you what upsets me about Washington D.C. I feel better now that I told you. I hope you seriously consider voting for me in the Republican Primary on my birthday - August 20.

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